
In this section, we describe our conventions and notation.

Single component systems

The Ornstein zernike equation $h(r) = c(r) + \rho \int d\textbf{r}' c(\textbf{r}')h(|\textbf{r} - \textbf{r}'|) $ links the pair correlation function $g(r) = h(r)+1$ to the number density $\rho$ and the direct correlation function $c(r)$. In order to solve it, a second relation between $h(r)$ and $c(r)$ must be specified. This is called the closure relation.

In practise, the closure relation typically takes the form $c(r) = f(\gamma(r), r, u(r))$, where $u(r)$ is the interaciton potential and $\gamma(r) = h(r) - c(r)$ is the indirect correlation function. Sometimes, instead the closure is defined for the bridge function $b(r)$, and the closure relation is then given by $h(r) - 1 = \exp\left(-\beta u(r) + h(r) - c(r) + b(r) \right)$, where $\beta = 1/k_BT$.


Everything above generalizes to the mixture case:

The Ornstein zernike equation

\[h_{ij}(r) = c_{ij}(r) + \sum_l \rho_l \int d\textbf{r}' c_{il}(\textbf{r}')h_{lj}(|\textbf{r} - \textbf{r}'|)\]

links the pair correlation function $g_{ij}(r) = h_{ij}(r)+1$ to the species specific number density $\rho_{i}$ and the direct correlation function $c_{ij}(r)$. In order to solve it, a second relation between $h_{ij}(r)$ and $c_{ij}(r)$ must be specified. This is called the closure relation.

In practise, the closure relation typically takes the form $c_{ij}(r) = f(\gamma_{ij}(r), r, u_{ij}(r))$, where $u_{ij}(r)$ is the interaciton potential and $\gamma_{ij}(r) = h_{ij}(r) - c_{ij}(r)$ is the indirect correlation function. Sometimes, instead the closure is defined for the bridge function $b(r)$, and the closure relation is then given by $h_{ij}(r) - 1 = \exp\left(-\beta u_{ij}(r) + h_{ij}(r) - c_{ij}(r) + b_{ij}(r) \right)$, where $\beta = 1/k_BT$.

Fourier Transforms

The ability to numerically solve the Ornstein-Zernike equation relies heavily on doing repeated Fourier Transforms. In arbitrary dimensions, these Fourier transforms can be written as Hankel transforms in the case that the argument is a radially symmetric function. In particular, in $d$ dimensions, the radial Fourier transform and its inverse are given by

\[\hat{F}(k) = (2\pi)^{d/2} k ^{1-d/2}\int_0^\infty dr r^{d/2}J_{d/2-1}(kr)F(r)\]

\[F(r) = (2\pi)^{-d/2} r ^{1-d/2}\int_0^\infty dk k^{d/2}J_{d/2-1}(kr)\hat{F}(k),\]

in which $J_{d/2-1}(x)$ is the bessel function of order $d/2-1$. In the special cases of 1 and 3 dimensions, the transform simplifies into:

\[\hat{F}(k) = 2\int_0^\infty dr \cos(kr)F(r)\]

\[F(r) = \frac{1}{\pi}\int_0^\infty dk \cos(kr)\hat{F}(k),\]

in 1$d$, and

\[\hat{F}(k) = \frac{4\pi}{k}\int_0^\infty dr r \sin(kr)F(r)\]

\[F(r) = \frac{1}{2\pi^2r}\int_0^\infty dk k\sin(kr)\hat{F}(k),\]

in 3$d$. This package uses discrete versions of all of the above.

Thermodynamic properties

Using the structure as determined by this package, several thermodynamic properies can be computed. In particular, this package contains methods to compute the (virial) pressure $p$, the isothermal compressibility $\chi$, and the excess internal energy per particle $E_x$.

For mixtures, they are computed respectively from the following definitions

\[p = k_BT \rho_0\sum_i x_i - 1/6 \rho_0^2 \sum_{ij} x_i x_j \int d\textbf{r} r g_{ij}(r) u'_{ij}(r)\]

\[1/(\rho_0 k_BT \chi) = 1 - ρ_0 \sum_{ij} x_i x_j \hat{c}_{ij}(k\to0)\]


\[E_x = 1/2 \rho_0 \sum_{ij} x_i x_j \int d\textbf{r} g_{ij}(r) u_{ij}(r)\]

in which $\rho_0=N/V$. The functions to use are compute_virial_pressure, compute_compressibility, and, compute_excess_energy.