
The discrete Fourier tranforms used by the FourierIteration, and NgIteration solvers to represent their continuous counterparts using first order accuracy in $n$ dimensions and second order accuracy in three dimensions (with the trapezoidal rule). To obtain the latter accuracy, it is important that any discontinuities of the interaction potential lie on an exact multiple of dr. To test this, we can compute the pressure of a hard-sphere system, and compare to the exact value. Below, we compute the relative error for different values of the number of gridpoints M, and plot the result on a log-log-scale

using OrnsteinZernike,  Plots

# Make sure the discontinuity is a multiple of dr
Rmax = 10.0
M_array = 10 * round.(Int,  10 .^ (range(1,4,length=20)))
p = zeros(length(M_array))
ρ = 0.3
kBT = 1.0
dims = 3
pot = HardSpheres(1.0)
system = SimpleLiquid(dims, ρ, kBT, pot)

for (i,M) in enumerate(M_array)
    dr = Rmax/M
    method = NgIteration(M=M, dr=dr, verbose=false)
    sol = solve(system, PercusYevick(), method)
    pressure = compute_virial_pressure(sol, system)
    p[i] = pressure/ρ/kBT-1.0
    println("The pressure = ", round(pressure, digits=8), " with M = $(M) gridpoints.")
The pressure = 0.58024311 with M = 100 gridpoints.
The pressure = 0.5831676 with M = 140 gridpoints.
The pressure = 0.58483445 with M = 210 gridpoints.
The pressure = 0.58550373 with M = 300 gridpoints.
The pressure = 0.5858285 with M = 430 gridpoints.
The pressure = 0.58598643 with M = 620 gridpoints.
The pressure = 0.58606101 with M = 890 gridpoints.
The pressure = 0.58609654 with M = 1270 gridpoints.
The pressure = 0.58611421 with M = 1830 gridpoints.
The pressure = 0.58612271 with M = 2640 gridpoints.
The pressure = 0.58612675 with M = 3790 gridpoints.
The pressure = 0.58612871 with M = 5460 gridpoints.
The pressure = 0.58612966 with M = 7850 gridpoints.
The pressure = 0.58613011 with M = 11290 gridpoints.
The pressure = 0.58613033 with M = 16240 gridpoints.
The pressure = 0.58613044 with M = 23360 gridpoints.
The pressure = 0.58613049 with M = 33600 gridpoints.
The pressure = 0.58613051 with M = 48330 gridpoints.
The pressure = 0.58613053 with M = 69520 gridpoints.
The pressure = 0.58613053 with M = 100000 gridpoints.

We can see that the method has well-behaved second order convergence, and that with $M=10^4$, we get almost 6 digits of relative accuracy.

η = ρ/6*π
p_exact = (1+2η+3η^2)/(1-η)^2-1.0
scatter(M_array, abs.(p.-p_exact)./p_exact)
plot!(ylabel="relative error", xlabel="M", xscale=:log, yscale=:log)
Example block output

In principle, these results can be extrapolated to improve the accuracy further.