Other dimensions
The solver is written for arbitrary dimension. This means that it is straightforward to solve for other-than-three-dimensional systems. Let's for example solve the equations for hard (hyper)spheres in different dimensions, and see what the results look like
using OrnsteinZernike, Plots
densities = [0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8]
dimensionalities = Any[5, 4, 3, 2.21, 2, 1]
p = plot(xlims=(0,5), xlabel="r", ylabel="g(r)")
for i = 1:6
density = densities[i]
dimension = dimensionalities[i]
potential = HardSpheres(1.0)
kBT = 1.0
system = SimpleLiquid(dimension, density, kBT, potential)
closure = PercusYevick()
method = DensityRamp(NgIteration(), range(0.001, density-0.1, length=10))
sol = solve(system, closure, method)
plot!(p, sol.r, sol.gr .+ i, label="d = $dimension")
Currently, however, noninteger dimensions below 2.0 are not supported.